Dr. Teri Psychological Services

Now accepting new clients.

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, affecting how we think, feel, and act, how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. It is a sign of strength to reach out for help. If you are overwhelmed, therapy can help you feel better and become healthier. Connect Now.


Concierge Psychotherapy Services for the Greater Cincinnati area.

Online Psychotherapy, nationwide, for any of the Psypact States

Click here for a map of participating Psypact States



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 "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.


Dr. Teri Psychological Services

Now accepting new clients.

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, affecting how we think, feel, and act, how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. It is a sign of strength to reach out for help. If you are overwhelmed, therapy can help you feel better and become healthier. Connect Now.


Concierge Psychotherapy Services for the Greater Cincinnati area.

Online Psychotherapy, nationwide, for any of the Psypact States

Click here for a map of participating Psypact States



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 "Keep your face always toward the sunshine — and shadows will fall behind you."
Walt Whitman


Dr. Teri Psychological Services

Now accepting new clients.

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, affecting how we think, feel, and act, how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. It is a sign of strength to reach out for help. If you are overwhelmed, therapy can help you feel better and become healthier. Connect Now.


Concierge Psychotherapy Services for the Greater Cincinnati area.

Online Psychotherapy, nationwide, for any of the Psypact States

Click here for a map of participating Psypact States



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 "You may encounter many defeats but you must not be defeated."
Dr. Maya Angelou


Dr. Teri Psychological Services

Now accepting new clients.

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, affecting how we think, feel, and act, how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. It is a sign of strength to reach out for help. If you are overwhelmed, therapy can help you feel better and become healthier. Connect Now.


Concierge Psychotherapy Services for the Greater Cincinnati area.

Online Psychotherapy, nationwide, for any of the Psypact States

Click here for a map of participating Psypact States



Meet Dr. Teri What is Concierge? Specialty Areas Directions Connect Now

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 "What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you."
Ralph Waldo Emerson


Dr. Teri Psychological Services

Now accepting new clients.

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being, affecting how we think, feel, and act, how we handle stress, relate to others, and make choices. It is a sign of strength to reach out for help. If you are overwhelmed, therapy can help you feel better and become healthier. Connect Now.


Concierge Psychotherapy Services for the Greater Cincinnati area.

Online Psychotherapy, nationwide, for any of the Psypact States

Click here for a map of participating Psypact States



Meet Dr. Teri What is Concierge? Specialty Areas Directions Connect Now

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 "Step out of the history that is holding you back. Step into the new story you are willing to create."
Oprah Winfrey

“My clients’ wellness is the most important thing to me. For some clients, wellness includes privacy, and making access to therapy simple and straightforward.”
—Dr. Teri 
Meet Dr. Teri
Concierge Psychotherapy may be the right choice for you.


What is Concierge?

What is a Concierge Psychologist?

Flexible Appointments

  • Flexible session length
  • Flexible appointment times — meet when you can
  • Weekend and evening appointments
  • Phone sessions available
  • Home visits can be arranged

Enhanced Privacy

  • No electronic medical records (EMRs)
  • Direct, self-pay — no insurance, no company reporting.
  • Dr. Teri meets or exceeds all HIPAA and APA Privacy standards.
  • Upon request, documentation for out-of-network benefits may be provided.

Fast, Flexible Payments

  • A “Good Faith Estimate” will be given to you at the first session, estimating how much your care will cost.
  • Pay session-by-session, or by retainer.
  • Pay by credit card, cash, or check
  • Cash and pre-pay discounts available
 “My Concierge practice means I can give you priority. Even if you don’t have an appointment, I will do my best to fit you in on the day you need to talk. My practice offers a confidential place to talk, without the necessity of a diagnosis for insurance purposes. Some clients have a diagnosable disorder, while others do not.
I offer a full-service, concierge practice for psychotherapy and wellness coaching. I am a licensed clinical psychologist with decades of counseling experience. Since it is not an insurance-driven practice, I can focus on quality over quantity, personalized service, and accessibility. How we work together is individually tailored, and chosen by us working together, not by any third party.
I have fewer patients than an insurance-driven practice, which means I have more time for you.”
—Dr. Teri
Meet Dr. Teri

Meet Dr. Teri Role-Warren

Dr. Teri Role-Warren has a wealth of experience from decades of private practice. She is a licensed psychologist, providing confidential psychological services to adults, adolescents, couples and families. Dr.Role-Warren has advanced, specialized training in the treatment of eating disorders, marital counseling, trauma, sexual difficulties and the psychology of women. Dr. Role-Warren is collaborative, compassionate, and optimistic in seeking and understanding each person’s unique struggle. She integrates cognitive and dialectical behavioral strategies with a relational approach. She is past President and a current member of the Cincinnati Academy of Professional Psychology, a member of the American Psychological Association, Ohio Psychological Association, and numerous eating disorder organizations.

Dr. Role-Warren has lived in the Cincinnati area since 1979. She enjoys spending time with her grandchildren and her endlessly retrieving Labradors.

Contact Dr. Teri, to learn more about concierge psychotherapy.

NEDA Member

National Eating Disorder Association

APA Member

American Psychological Association

OPA Member

Ohio Psychological Association

CAPP Member

Cincinnati Academy of Professional Psychology

Gottman Approved Member

Specialty Areas

Coaching / Improving Physical & Emotional Health

The good news about unhealthy or self-defeating thoughts and habits is that they can be turned around. The mind and the body are resilient and adaptive to change. Together we can focus on caring for the mind and body, addressing habits and behaviors ranging from unhealthy eating, reliance on mood altering substances or ineffective coping styles. Individuals can make positive, healthy changes in their lives by learning and practicing specific skills, one step at a time. Making time to “turn around the ship” is an investment in personal well-being.

Anxiety and Depression

Anxiety and depression are two of the most common mental health concerns in our society. They are often experienced as a complex set of emotional and functional challenges. Anxiety and depression are not the same, but they often occur together. It is not uncommon for people with depression to experience anxiety and people with anxiety to become depressed. There is also overlap in some of the conditions and treatments.

The hidden triggers of anxiety and depression include the state of your physical health, how well you manage stress, your relationships with the people around you and how safe you feel in your environment. In our sessions, we identify your type of anxiety or depression: for example, do you have generalized anxiety disorder, PTSD, OCD, major depressive disorder, bipolar depression, to mention a few. We then use evidence-based strategies to understand and treat the specific symptoms that trouble you.

Eating Disorders

A person’s relationship with food can become unhealthy or develop into an eating disorder.  A toxic cycle can develop when a person uses food or restricting food intake for emotional reasons. Sometimes, people are not aware of the connection between eating and underlying emotional conflicts. There is a relationship between neglecting the body and the development of emotional and physical problems. To end this cycle, we work on strengthening the body with enough rest, food, and liquids. Individuals do not have to be perfect or let physical care become an obsession. When people ignore the physical needs of their body, this abandonment will create emotional and a physical problems, which in turn creates a toxic life cycle.
When the body is in need of something, we experience feelings that correspond to what the body is lacking. An example of ignoring a signal is when people do not pay attention to messages of hunger and fullness. The body sends messages when to eat, sleep, relax, calm down, play and comfort ourselves.  Our work includes re-learning how to listen and to those signals.


When people are out of balance with work, stressors or simply by staying too busy and occupied, they are not giving themselves opportunities to strengthen the mind and body. Human beings have an innate need for human affiliation and leisure. People often ignore needs for connection, self-awareness and relaxation. By making a practice of noticing and understanding thoughts, feelings, and needs, mental health vitality is enhanced.

Is Psychotherapy right for me?

Is Psychotherapy right for me?

Prior generations perpetuated the myth that someone must be “crazy” or “have a nervous breakdown” in order to see a psychologist. Today, psychologists provide services for many reasons, including helping individuals develop healthy, meaningful passions and relationships: in other words, to healthfully balance work, love and play. Anyone can benefit from psychological services that enhance and maintain physical and mental health and promote honesty and intimacy in daily life.

Dr. Teri provides

  • Collaborative treatment planning to identify difficulties, create goals, and work on solutions
  • Effective, solution–focused interventions
  • Therapeutic tools to specify areas for continued growth


Dr. Teri Psychological Services, LLC

9200 Montgomery Rd
Building C
Suite 10A
Cincinnati, OH 45242

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Dr. Teri Psychological Services, LLC

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